21/01/2021 IWA Media Summit: S4C - Ariannu, Covid a'r Dyfodol (Cymraeg)

Jan 21, 2021, 04:57 PM

Episode image
The IWA Cardiff Media Summit 2021 is a series of four events focusing on the new landscape for media in Wales.

O Ebrill 2022 ymlaen bydd y cyfan o arian cyhoeddus S4C yn dod o ffi’r drwydded. Gyda’r broses o drafod setliad ariannu S4C o 2022 hyd 2027 wedi cychwyn, y newyddiadurwr Guto Harri sy’n holi Owen Evans, Prif Weithredwr S4C.

Dyma gyfle i glywed gan Brif Weithredwr S4C sut bydd y sianel yn ymateb ac yn parhau i esblygu wedi cyfnod heriol iawn ym myd darlledu.

From April 2022 all of S4C’s public funding will come from the licence fee. With the discussion over the funding settlement for 2022 to 2027 underway, journalist Guto Harri interviews S4C Chief Executive, Owen Evans.

This is an opportunity to hear from the Chief Executive of S4C about how the channel will respond and how the service will continue to evolve despite a challenging time for broadcasting.

Attendees could engage in debate and ask questions on the live chat.
