Linkedln a Great Source and Bee Konnected with Monica Lewis and Scott Schilling

Episode 214,   Dec 05, 2020, 12:30 PM

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Monica Lewis - Director of Product Management at LinkedIn joins Alan as they talk about the high unemployment rates around the world and how LinkedIn is a great source for finding mentors who can help you find the right job. A social networking site that is able to focus on businesses.
Alan dives right in with Scott Schilling - Executive Vice President of Strategic Partnerships for Bee Konnected. It's all about making connections and new opportunities. You have to have faith in a better future.

Monica Lewis - Director of Product Management at LinkedIn joins Alan as they talk about the very high unemployment rates around the world right now because of coronavirus. LinkedIn did a survey and 84% of those surveyed said that they feel there is stigma around being unemployed and ⅔ of them think that stigma is impacting them getting hired to a new job. They talk about how LinkedIn is a great source for finding mentors who can help you find the job you are looking for or help you overcome some problem you are having with your company. Monica explains how Linkedln has a tool that can help you figure out the steps in getting the job or career that you are looking for. If you are wanting to hire people, you can signal on your LinkedIn profile that you are searching for new employees.  Monica says how great it is that LinkedIn is a social networking site that is able to focus on businesses, being professional and being a safe community. They have seen a huge increase in traffic on their site, due to the pandemic. 

Alan dives right in with Scott Schilling - Executive Vice President of Strategic Partnerships for Bee Konnected. They talk about how Scott’s company, Bee Konnected, is all about making connections and new opportunities. They talk about how Scott’s site uses algorithms, like on dating sites, to match you up with people who can help you the most. Scott talks about how they are hearing a lot of great success stories right now, because more and more people are working remotely and using the site to connect with other people and to learn from them.  They discuss various training programs on the site that can train you for a new career or retrain you in how to excel at your current job. They talk about a great webinar service that they offer through the site for a small subscription fee. They talk about how the pandemic has affected nonprofit organizations. Scott talks about how fear is something that has to be manufactured. In order to get into fear, you have to get out of your present, and get into an imagined future. He says that faith is the reverse of fear. You have to have faith in a better future. Scott says that we need to be physically distant from others right now but not socially distant. 

  • [00:00:00] Unemployment Stigma with Monica Lewis
  • [00:06:18] Linkedin a Great Source for Help
  • [00:11:30] Linkedin Professional and Safe
  • [00:18:20] Scott Shilling Making Konnections
  • [00:25:57] Retrain to Excel
  • [00:33:24] Jura Coffee; Physically Distant Not Socially Distant