The Big Boo Cast, Episode 111

Jun 29, 2018, 04:17 PM

On this episode we talk about my unusually quiet house, the latest on Southern Charm, and a couple of Netflix movies that have renewed Melanie's faith in the romantic comedy. We also continue with the questions we didn't finish last week, and as it turns out, we talk a lot - A LOT - about parenting stuff (teenagers in general, only children in particular).

You'll also hear all of my (Sophie's) geeky thoughts about The Fourth Estate as well as some podcasts I'm enjoying. Let it be acknowledged that we do not discuss a single item of clothing or a single beauty product on this episode. Somebody call the medics.

Enjoy, y'all!

Here's where you can get more info on the stuff / products / places we mention:

- Southern Charm

- Set It Up

- The Kissing Booth

- The Fourth Estate

- Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin

- The Pivot with Andrew Osenga

- In the Dark

- Up & Vanished

- Armchair Expert

- Closing Song

Our new Big Boo Cast t-shirts from Milk and Honey Tees


Prep Dish (use the code BIGBOO for two free weeks!)