Covid Vaccinations, Long Covid and life on the frontline!

Season 1, Episode 629,   Jan 11, 2021, 10:00 AM

RNIB Connect Radio's Toby Davey for the first time in 2021 checked in with Pharmacist Elizabeth Roddick from New Life Pharmacy in Glasgow to chat about the following topics.

With the role out of the Covid Vaccinations, what affect if any might the changes in the timings between the first and second vaccinations from the initial three-week period have for those receiving the vaccinations.

A reminder about what long covid is and how it affects those people who might be suffering from the condition. 

And finally Elizabeth chats about her book ‘The Other Frontline’ a diary of her experiences as a Pharmacist during the first national lockdown.

Details about the Covid websites and the Covid symptoms app that Elizabeth mentions can be found  by visiting the following links - 

Long Covid SOS - 

covid symptoms app - 

 Your Covid Recovery NHS website - 

To get in touch with Elizabeth Roddick email or for more information visit

Image:  Picture showing Elizabeth standing in her pharmacy, dressed in her white pharmacist coat and a colourful bandana around her neck, she's smiling warmly at the camera with her hands slightly raised.