Ryan Rumsey - Design Leadership and organisational transformation

Season 2, Episode 10,   Dec 20, 2020, 06:04 PM

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My guest in this episode is Ryan Rumsey. We talk about Ryan’s journey into design from the early days of the web, finding your way into design leadership, the human side of organisation transformation, and the 1980 film masterpiece, Flash Gordon.

My guest in this episode is Ryan Rumsey who has worked for 20+ years as an executive leader and a designer building technology, teams, and organizations. He has a hybrid background in interaction design, front-end development, product management, and strategy and has worked for the likes of Apple, Electronic Arts, USAA, Nestlé, and Comcast. He is also the author of Business Thinking for Designers, published by InVision.

We talk about Ryan’s journey into design from the early days of the web, business thinking and design leadership, the human side of organisation transformation, and the 1980 film masterpiece, Flash Gordon.

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