8/12/2020 Live Learning Partnership: Your Pandemic Story

Dec 10, 2020, 06:46 PM

Episode image

The Live Learning Partnership is the Institute of Welsh Affairs and the Wales Co-operative Centre, alongside 8 other partner organisations, who are launching a new initiative to gather experiences using the online storytelling tool Sensemaker®.

This event formally launches the Live Learning Partnership and expands on why we want a better understanding of the impact of the pandemic.

To understand the ongoing impact of the pandemic on individuals, work, the community and the world around us, we need to listen to people’s experiences.

That is why the Institute of Welsh Affairs and the Wales Co-operative Centre, alongside 8 other partner organisations, are launching a new initiative to gather these stories using the online storytelling tool Sensemaker®.

Unlike other surveys, SenseMaker® combines stories and numbers – human wisdom and data analytics, to ensure that the quantitative data always has the meaning and context of qualitative narratives.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could help our work.  Please go here to add your own story in English: https://collector.sensemaker-suite.com/?projectID=LiveLearningWal&language=en&OID=IWA#Collector

Or in Welsh: https://collector.sensemaker-suite.com/?projectID=LiveLearningWal&language=en&OID=IWA#Collector

This event will formally launch the initiative and explain to attendees how Sensemaker® works, demonstrate case studies of how and why it’s succeeded for other organisations, and expand on what we hope to achieve.

The Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA) and the Wales Co-operative Centre (WCC) are co-leaders of the Live Learning Partnership, along with:

• Business In the Community (BITC)

• Cardiff Business School (Cardiff University)

• Care Forum Wales

• Community Housing Cymru (CHC)

• Cymorth Cymru

• The Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST)

• Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)

• Y Lab (Cardiff University/Nesta)

The IWA’s role in this project is part-funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.