Season Three Wrap Up, AA on Emerging at Any Age & Maxine Beneba Clarke on Poetry, Picture Books & Twitter

Season 3, Episode 105,   Dec 06, 2020, 08:30 PM

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And this is IT! Our final episode of Season Three! There are favourites, laughs, wisdom and news from our amazing Agony Aunt, Charlotte Wood, and relief that we now get to look forward to Season 4 in 2021!

Our final cracker interview for the season is with writer and all round literary superstar, Maxine Beneba Clarke. We talk being a poet laureate, the different creative processes in writing and illustrating diversity and her latest picture book WHEN WE SAY BLACK LIVES MATTER.

Check out show notes for this episode on our website or get in touch via Twitter or Instagram @thefirsttimepod.

We'll be having a break over the summer but look forward to getting back in your ears in 2021!
Don't forget you can support us and the making of Season Four via our Patreon page! Thanks for joining us!