Shishir Poddar, CEO Tirupati Graphite (TGR.L) Interview

Dec 05, 2020, 09:36 AM

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So Tirupati is slightly unusual because they’ve launched a first of its kind IPO offer for retail investors via PrimaryBid, providing retail with the same investment opportunity and terms as institutions. They will be listing on 11 December 2020 on LSE’s Main Market.

Tirupati Graphite plc is a fully integrated specialist graphite and graphene producer that places ESG and sustainability at its core. 

They have conditionally raised £6 million with institutional and professional investors (undertaken by broker Optiva) and on Tuesday 1 December 2020 launched their PrimaryBid offer which is set to conclude on 9 December, following which Tirupati will list its shares on LSE’s Main Market by way of a Standard Listing, with trading expected to commence on 11 December.

The company is cash generative with established operations that include primary mining and processing in Madagascar and hi-tech graphite processing in India to produce speciality graphite, and they’re also due to establish a state-of-art graphene and technology R&D centre in India.