Charlie Stephenson, Mining Specialist at SI Capital, Interview

Nov 30, 2020, 01:53 PM

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Share Talk follows Charlie Stephenson on Twitter and we always find his post informative and helpful, so we thought, why not have him on the platform to give his take on what's happing in the mining sector 

Charlie has a monthly newsletter that covers SI Capital house stocks and market commentary. The next letter will be coming out at the end of the week.

Charlie holds an Msc in Mining Geology from Camborne School of Mines, and a BSc in Geology from Southampton University.

Charlie started his career in 2013 as a Junior Geologist at Ariana Resources Plc, soil sampling over the now producing Kiziltepe mine. Since then he has worked at a number of early-stage exploration companies and junior producers across Africa, Europe, South America and Australia.

Charlie is based at the Hanover office as an assistant to Gregory Mahoney as a ECM Analyst and trainee broker, specialising in resource companies and producing research on in-house stocks.

For more research and insigne’s feel free to contact Charlie by email at or on Twitter at @GeologyCharlie.