Ep 1: Head Space

Episode 1,   Feb 01, 2019, 11:04 AM


This month, comedian Hatty Ashdown is joined by Jessica Fostekew (Guilty Feminist & Hoovering), Gemma Beagly and Jodie Carris from Head Space. We find out what accident Hatty’s had with her baby, along with regular feature SORTED. Jodie gives us all tools for coping with mum guilt, comparing to others and looking after our heads!
Broadcast live on The Other Women Show, Soho Radio 24/01/19.
In association with Screaming With Laughter - the daytime comedy club where babies come along too. http://screamingwithlaughter.com/

This month, comedian Hatty Ashdown is joined by Jessica Fostekew (Guilty Feminist & Hoovering), Gemma Beagly and Jodie Carris from Head Space. We find out what accident Hatty’s had with her baby, along with regular feature SORTED. Jodie gives us all tools for coping with mum guilt, comparing to others and looking after our heads!

Broadcast live on The Other Women Show, Soho Radio 24/01/19.

In association with Screaming With Laughter - the daytime comedy club where babies come along too. http://screamingwithlaughter.com/