Per me si va ne la città dolente

Nov 14, 2020, 02:27 PM

Episode image
Canto Three represents Dante's last moments in the earthly realm before entering Hell - and contains the most famous lines of the entire Divine Comedy.

"Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'intratre" / "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"

The pieces develops as a journey - first, we hear the birdsong of the dark forest as Dante and Virgil walk on. As they move through, voices begin to whisper the warning written on Hell's Gate with increasing insistence, while a solo singing voice declares the presence of devils. 

The birdsong fades away as we leave the forest, and the sounds of the natural world are replaced by an ominous drone belching forth from the entrance of Hell to warn away passers-by. Wanting to avoid representing Hell through simple drones and sheets of noise, instead the entrance to Hell announces itself through building waves of arpeggiated Buchla and Jupiter lines, building the tension until Dante and Virgil leave behind the earthly realm - but on their divine mission, they will retain hope.

Part of the Inferno project to imagine and compose the sounds of Dante’s Hell, marking the 700th anniversary of The Divine Comedy. To find out more, visit