Third Circle - The Gluttonous

Nov 14, 2020, 01:31 PM

Gluttonous created by Alex Hawthorn.

"Through my research, I learned that the souls of the Third Circle, guarded by Cerberus, were punished by laying in a freezing-cold slush for eternity, pelted by icy rain.  

"I'd always heard that Cerberus was a three-headed dog, but apparently in Dante's Inferno, Cerberus is a worm-monster.  I used elements of weather - cold winds, icy rain, some hail - and low tones to create a base atmosphere, then layering on multiple layers of recordings of people gurgling, choking, calling out for help (the recordings are of myself and two of my friends), and finally doing some creature creation for Cerberus, with rough heavy breathing, a few elongated screams, and some scrapes and slithers for the body movement.  

"The piece is an atmospheric one, a duration - it doesn't have an arc, there is no "ending" for these souls trapped for all eternity."

Part of the Inferno project to imagine and compose the sounds of Dante’s Hell, marking the 700th anniversary of The Divine Comedy. To find out more, visit