Angel of Dis

Nov 14, 2020, 01:24 PM

Episode image
City of Dis created by Heather Andrews.

"I find this section of the written piece interesting  - the dynamic between Virgil and Dante is interesting here, where Virgil demonstrates his devotion to Dante's cause, to the point that he shields Dante's eyes with his own hands from Medusa. I also love the part where the heavenly messenger appears with the noise of a hurricane. 

"I've attempted to emulate this in the middle of the piece and add that tension of the gates slowly opening at the end, the noise of the heretics sizzling. That happens to be a hot iron in this piece. 

"The musician Bell Lungs has also contributed some screechy violin parts as a duet to my wire fence bowing. We are currently working on a live scoring of Haxan and so of course I had to get her to make a cameo on here!"

Part of the Inferno project to imagine and compose the sounds of Dante’s Hell, marking the 700th anniversary of The Divine Comedy. To find out more, visit