Canto Decimo

Nov 14, 2020, 01:02 PM

Heresy created by Clelia Ciardulli.

"This 'cerchio', circle, as Dante calls the zones of Hell, inspired me to research the history of heresy, and to try and reach as many as possible recorded executions of individuals under the charge of disagreeing, not accepting, contradicting the dogma of their place and times.  

"It turns out to be a mix of catholics in Protestant areas; protestants, proto-protestants and anabaptists in Catholic areas; people from other religions, like Judaism; as well scientists, philosophers, astronomers who were beginning to see other truths, including influences from spirituality outside Europe - their growing knowledge nurturing a vision utterly unacceptable to the powers that be.  

"I have read their names out, and in the background I have layered the sound of heavy slamming doors (Virgilio and Dante are at the gates of the city of Dis) and what sounds like hauling ghostly winds, which is nothing else but the sound of the motorway through Berlin through a rainy night.  
"PS: I will always cherish the story of Dirk Willems, who escaped from his prison over a thin iced moat, and then turned back to save his pursuer who fell into the broken ice, and was thus recaptured.  There is a statue in his honour in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada."

Part of the Inferno project to imagine and compose the sounds of Dante’s Hell, marking the 700th anniversary of The Divine Comedy. To find out more, visit