Abbeycast - A podcast for ‘The Parable of the Talents’
Nov 15, 2020, 09:00 AM
A podcast from Westminster Abbey on ‘The Parable of the Talents’.
This 15 minute service includes prayers, a reading, an address, music and a blessing, recorded this week in the Abbey's magnificent Nave.
This 15 minute service includes prayers, a reading, an address, music and a blessing, recorded this week in the Abbey's magnificent Nave.
Introduced by the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster
Address by the Reverend Dr James Hawkey, Canon Theologian
Reader: The Reverend Tricia Hillas, Chaplain to the Speaker, Priest Vicar of Westminster Abbey
Introduction: The Dean
Reading: Matthew 25: 14–30 The Reverend Tricia Hillas
Address: Canon Hawkey
Anthem: John Ireland Ex ore innocentium
Prayers and Blessing: The Dean
Music: Performed by the Choir of Westminster Abbey conducted by James O’Donnell (with kind permission of Hyperion Records).
This podcast was recorded with all contributors observing social distancing.