Which is Better in Next-Gen Consoles: Fidelity or Performance Mode?

Episode 309,   Nov 09, 2020, 07:04 AM

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Tonight, we answer questions about fidelity vs performance modes, next-gen storage, raytracing, next-gen gaming, Xbox Game Pass' value, classic games, adventure games, and more!

Here are all of the questions we answer this week:

- Which is better: High fidelity mode or performance mode?
- What effect will next-gen limited storage space have?
- How important will raytracing be in the near future?
- How badly would it be if next-gen was delayed to 2021?
- What are the best monitors/TVs for next-gen gaming?
- When will we see the end of cross-gen games?
- Will we ever see an all-digital Xbox Series X?
- How soon will people begin to regret their next-gen console purchases?
- Does the Series X have increased download speeds?
- Is the value of Game Pass running on the hope it will get good games?
- Is Disney+ coming to Xbox Game Pass?
- Which game do you wish you could go back to?
- What year in gaming would you like to revisit?
- Which games felt like they took you on a true adventure?
- Is it better to announce games years in advance or months from launch?

Thanks as always to Shawn Daley for our intro and outro music. Follow him on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/shawndaley

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