The Study Trinity: Fostering great relationships between teachers, parents, and students

Season 2, Episode 11,   Nov 06, 2020, 12:01 AM

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We want our children to do well. Teachers want their students to achieve their potential. And I’ve never met a student that is actively trying to fail. Given that we all want the same thing, you’d think that the relationship between the three parties would be harmonious and collaborative. But sometimes those bonds could do with strengthening. 

This week's episode is looking at the relationship between Parents, Teachers and Students.

Nathan McGurl, founder of The Study Buddy is joined by Russell Hobby. Russell is the Chief Executive of teacher training organisation Teach First – whose stated mission is to unlock the potential in all our children, not just some. Prior to joining Teach First Russell was General Secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers.

Russell explores the changing role and function of teachers, the vital role that they - and schools - play beyond disseminating facts and figures, what to do if the teacher/student relationship falters, and how parents and teachers can work together in the best interests of the student.

For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to time management and study skills visit