E112 – The Best of Reunions Part 3

Sep 30, 2020, 05:09 AM

Episode image
September 2020 
This is the last of three special episodes to mark what would have been our Annual Veterans Reunion. 
It was due to COVID-19 restrictions and with huge regret that Bletchley Park Trust had to take the difficult decision not to hold this year’s reunion on-site. But here at the podcast we can still celebrate our Veterans with these special episodes.
At a reunion we like to capture as many Veterans stories as we can, but we also always remember that it is their special day and we try not to interrupt it too much for them. Some chats may just be a quick hello and how are you and some might end up with a short interview. But for some Veterans, it might be the first time they have been asked to talk about their vital war work and we are always honoured to be on hand to save their story for future generations. 
In this, the last of these special episodes, we’re bringing you nearly 80 minutes from another 12 of our amazing Veterans, including a few of those longer interviews.
Featured in this episode, in order of appearance are:
Doris Moss
Mollie Brewster
Pamela Forbes
Betty Webb
Elizabeth Davies
Marigold Angela Bostock-Wilson
Diana Tyler
Margaret Thomas
Bartrum Robinson
Edna Garbutt
Pauline Lee
Tom Howie
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Veterans of Bletchley Park and its Outstations, for their service.
Special thanks to Katherine Lynch, Sarah Langston and Kerry Howard. 
Image: ©Will Amlot for the Bletchley Park Trust 2020
#BPark, #Bletchleypark, #WW2,