What we can learn from the Body: Dr Simon Roberts

Season 2, Episode 3,   Sep 29, 2020, 11:04 AM

Does the mind shape who we are, how we think, the decisions we make, the moral paths we take? Well that is what western thought has led us to believe after all. But what about the body? Is it simply a shadow to the greatness of the mind or can we be learning more about human behaviour, culture and society by giving the body equal importance?
To unravel this I spoke to the world renowned business anthropologist Dr Simon Roberts about his new book The Power of Not Thinking: How Our Bodies Learn and Why We Should Trust Them and how the concept of embodied knowledge is essential in understanding human behaviour. We explore how the concept should be central to how business leaders think and how we understand our connection to technology, society and the future of work.

Show Notes:

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