Confidence! When you don't feel enough...
Season 1, Oct 02, 2020, 10:50 AM
We all suffer a crisis of confidence every now and again, so what is actually going on and what can we do about it?
In this weeks podcast John & Rachael tackle the number one topic that people bring to coaching - Confidence. Through the lens “that you are enough” and what you tell yourself sticks, they share a few tips to help us think about it differently and reset our inner thoughts.
The Leadership Essentials
The Leadership Essentials
- It’s normal to feel like this!
- Stop comparing yourself to everyone else
- Start recording all the good things….
In The Coaching Approach the pressure is on and John has a crisis of confidence. With his coach they discuss what he is actually spending his time thinking about; on reflection John is able to use the leadership essentials to re-frame his thinking about the type of leader he can become.