Bert Monro, CEO, Cora Gold Limited (CORA.L) Podcast - Metallurgical Testwork Results

Sep 24, 2020, 02:21 PM

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Cora Gold Limited, the West African focused gold company, is pleased to announce the metallurgical testwork results from oxide samples taken from its Sanankoro Gold Project in Southern Mali ('Sanankoro' or 'the Project').

These results follow on from previous work reported on 21 October 2019. The purpose of this testwork was to advance the previous testwork and assess the impact of reagent consumption, residence time, gravity recovery and grind size.

Bert Monro, CEO, comments "The results from this metallurgical test programme are excellent. A significant proportion of the gold in the Sanankoro ore can be recovered with gravity with over 90% of the remaining gold leaching from the gravity tails within 4 hours. The quick kinetics should reduce the size of the required leach circuit considerably resulting in a capital saving. Further, a significantly reduced cyanide consumption should also have a favourable impact on operating costs. These results will be used in a trade-off between a conventional gravity & CIL flowsheet and heap leach once ongoing column leach testwork is completed. The outcome from the trade-off will be used as the basis of a definitive feasibility study ('DFS') to commence next year."