Meat Safes And The Dictionary Sausage - Literary Loitering 126
Sep 19, 2020, 10:59 PM
These are strange times we're living in, which is why it's good to carry a stick as part of your EDC. A good stick is a very useful object as it can be used as a walking aid, for fishing, thrashing, emergency kindling, and in the case of our resident cultural anarchists, poking fun at the world (while avoiding surprise bears).
This week we discover that Ready Player One is somehow getting a sequel (we're not sure how that's going to work either). In other more important news, there's a new collection of Terry Pratchett short stories due for publication, The Great Gatsby is now in the public domain (which means all of that fanfiction can now be published), Donald Trump Jr. has apparently written another book (we still haven't discovered why he was fired the first time), someone is going around collecting mountweazels, and all sorts of other stuff.
We also have another of our semi-regular quizzes, and this time it's all about mondegreens (misheard lyrics).
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Thanks, and until next time, don't read anything we wouldn't!
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#LiteraryLoitering #TheGeekShow #Books #Novels #TheArts #Theatre #News #Reviews #Podcasts #CulturalAnarchy #Culture #ReadyPlayerOne #Mountweazels #Mondegreens #Quiz #TerryPratchett #TheGreatGatsby