E110 – The Best of Reunions Part 1

Sep 06, 2020, 07:30 AM

Episode image
September 2020 

Each year, to mark the arrival of the Codebreakers to their war station in 1939, we hold our Veterans Reunion. 

This is the highlight of our calendar year, and a really special occasion for all involved. Veterans can meet up with friends old and new and share stories of their vital and once top-secret wartime work. These events have taken on even more meaning in the past few years, for the Veterans, their families, and all those who work for Bletchley Park Trust today.

It is with huge regret that, due to COVID-19 restrictions, Bletchley Park Trust has taken the difficult decision not to host our Reunion onsite this year.

To mark what would have been this year’s reunion, this is the first of three special episodes we will be bringing you this month, not just the highlights of the last 8 years that the Podcast has attended but also from the very first Reunion in 1991, the one that started the campaign to Save Bletchley Park.

The Veterans featured in this episode, in order of appearance are:

Joan Clarke
Derek Taunt
Raymond Goodman
Rosamond Twinn
Rosemary Davidson
Peter Twinn
Rolf Noskwith
Betty Webb
Mary Watkins
Joyce Bigoni
Stanley Clegg
Eric Hume
Jeff Hoare
Fred Terretta
Audrey Hodges
Jane Fawcett

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Veterans of Bletchley Park and its Outstations, for their service.

Special thanks to Katherine Lynch, Sarah Langston and Mr Ben Thomson.  

Image: ©Will Amlot for the Bletchley Park Trust 2020

#BPark, #Bletchleypark, #WW2,