Gracie - 8/24/20, August 30, 2020 - Pet Communication, Intuition and Afterlife

Sep 04, 2020, 05:09 AM

Episode image

A perfect storm. Mom suddenly very sick, Gracie dying. Mom recovered.

Metaphysics, Meditation, Telepathy. Pet Afterlife check-in. 

This crisis is personal - Mom diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever [we didn't get that info for a month]. Symptoms were enough to require 24/7 ASAP camp out at her house. We also carefully maintained a shifting routine for my 14-year-old dog, Gracie, who was very quickly fading. Good days and not so good. Thankfully, Mom is recovering.

Gracie transitioned just prior to the taping of this program and an interesting thing happened. In addition to that, during the last 3 weeks she was with us, she made a new game of coming into the room in the morning as I worked and - even though she was standing just a few feet away - opted to look at me in the mirror and wait for me to greet her. I understood the message. She was offering me a perspective of being in two places at once. 

About the picture. Fall 2019. That's Jack in the stroller. Gracie is the golden girl on the right. Adopted from a shelter at 4 months, her enthusiasm for life was contagious. I am still adjusting to her empty bed and hearing the silence instead of her breathing. Goodbyes are hard.