#9 Air: Breath + Affirmation

Season 1, Episode 9,   Aug 13, 2020, 11:01 PM

Episode image
In this episode we continue our series of discussions focused on using the wild to explore our truth and write our own story of life. 

We knuckle down and focus on the power of air. Specifically, we dig deep into breath and affirmations.

We explore how the element of Air is understood through different cultural lenses and how developing an understanding of and personal connection to this wild element can allow us to step out of our inner selves (me) and connect with others from a place of confidence, truth, love & compassion. 

We’ll consider what we can do to develop a wild connection with Air through place, and actions (breath work and affirmation) and how we can create change both within ourselves and as a part of a global community.
We believe there is a key for everyone to unlock their truth and live wild.  Our intention is to provide a number of keys along the journey. So join us in this episode to explore breath, affirmation, love and dancing in the rain in order to live a life that is both true to ourselves and kind to others.


4-4 Energizing Breath

Benefits of this breathing technique
This is a powerful energy booster when you have only a few minutes. 

How to do it:

  • Sit with a straight spine and crossed legs if possible. Relax your shoulders.
  • Start with taking a few deep breaths.
  • Place your palms together at the heart center with the fingers pointing up. And press your hands firmly.
  • Focus at the third eye, the brow point with eyelids lightly closed.
  • Inhale, breaking the breath into 4 equal parts of sniffs, filling the lungs completely on the 4th.
  • As you exhale, release the breath equally in 4 parts, emptying the lungs on the 4th. Note: On each part of both the inhale and exhale, pull the navel point toward the spine. (The stronger you pump the navel the more energy you will generate.)
  • One full breath cycle (in and out) takes about 7-8 seconds.
  • Continue for 2-3 minutes.
  • To end, inhale deeply, press the palms together with force for 10-15 seconds. Create a tension in the whole body by pressing as hard as you can. Hold as long as possible.
  • Exhale powerfully
  • Repeat the inhale, hold, press.
  • Exhale, relax and allow the tension in the body to vanish.
  • If you  feel you need to rest, lie on the back with the eyes closed and relax for 2-5 minutes.
  • Take a few deep breaths, stretch, and you will be ready for action.


Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga "The Courage to be Disliked"
Jay Griffiths "Wild: An elemental journey"
Nelson Mandela "A long walk to freedom"
Victor Frankl "Man's search for meaning"

Mindtools: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/affirmations.htm

Original Music by Nigel Lacey @delaceynigel

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