Interview with Mindfulness Expert Cass Dunn

Episode 65,   Aug 01, 2020, 10:00 PM

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In this week’s episode of Dorothy and the Dealer, Mitch and Mills chat to psychologist, author and Crappy to Happy creator, Cass Dunn, about her definition of real happiness and how to stop running away from it.

Take yourself from Crappy to Happy 

In this week’s episode of Dorothy and the Dealer, Mitch and Mills chat to psychologist, author and Crappy to Happy creator, Cass Dunn, about her definition of real happiness and how to stop running away from it. 

Happiness can be hard to find and even harder to hold onto, but what if we told you all you had to do was live your life in a way that aligns with your values?

Recognize the biggest blocks to happiness, and stop giving them so much power.

- Perfectionism
- People pleasing
- Self-doubt
- Criticism
- Fear

We all want quick wins, but happiness exists in lasting fulfilment. And kindness and compassion for yourself along your journey there. 

- Realise it’s okay that happiness is transient and momentary.
- Lean into the discomfort because what is worthwhile is on the other side.
- Understand you have the resilience to get through unpleasant feelings for better ones.

Trust your gut, set boundaries and don’t be afraid to EXPLORE, DIG, and EXCAVATE your way there!