John Meyer on Gold Stocks and Vadim Alexandre on Covid-19 Stocks
Episode 2000, Jul 29, 2020, 10:23 AM
John Meyer, talks about China and Golds stocks. Vadim Alexandre, discusses how testing for Covid-19 will become more prevalent and therefore be a big boost for related stocks.
On the Vox Markets Podcast Today: 29th July 2020
John Meyer, Mining analyst and partner at SP Angel talks about: Altus Strategies #ALS Anglo Asian Mining #AAZ Bushveld Minerals #BMN Chaarat Gold #CGH Condor Gold #CNR Cora Gold #CORA Phoenix Copper #PXC Rio Tinto #RIO & Scotgold #SGZ
Vadim Alexandre, Head of Healthcare at SP Angel discusses how testing for Covid-19 will become more prevalent and therefore be a big boost for related stocks such as: Avacta #AVCT Genedrive #GDR Novacyt #NCYT & Omega Diagnostics #ODX
(Interview starts at 18 minutes 39 seconds)
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