Chapter 6 - Hester at the Oasis

Episode 7,   Aug 03, 2020, 01:01 AM

Aunt Hester finds herself in a bit of a pickle. Very nearly finding herself literally becoming a pickle.

Having a bad day?  Has yours involved a sword fight yet?  No?


Brian Hovis, like all who appear with him, is a fictional character.  I know!  Amazing that this isn’t a documentary right?  Here are the credits behind the curtain of magic and lies that is entertainment.
Written by Hywel Evans and Russell Gomer
Edited by Hywel, zen-guided by Russell.
Songs by Hywel with lyrics from Hywel and Russell.
Performed, every part, every-single-voice-you-hear by Mr Ian Conningham.
Programmes used, should you be nerdy enough to care, include Logic Pro X and an increasingly slower-by-the-day Macbook on a couch.
Scott Lee Cupp wrote the wonderful main theme and is called ‘Africa’ which we purchased for use in our free podcasts, from the great website
Hywel Evans dawbed out the other music you hear.  Far inferior to Scott’s work.
Sound Effects:
We made some sound effects ourself, used some in the Logic Pro and Garage Band / iLife library, and got many from the wonderful a great website for podcast makers providing free content in exchange for credits.
All sounds were amended in some way during mixing, and the licence applicable to most but not all is here
All sounds have been edited into a large story using the edit techniques needed to tell that story.  As such some sounds have been changed, and the owners of these sounds are not necessarily endorsing the use by Brian Hovis’ creators.  
These things have to be said.  Essentially, people who made free sounds on have done so with love, care and attention, and we have taken those like monkeys plucking coconuts and tried amidst our banging and crashing around to and apply the same rules of love care and attention to create a free story for everyone.  
Here come the credits they deserve, you will see a description of the sound, their username, and a link to the sound on  Hopefully this will mean you can use them and they are receiving the credit they deserve!
Jeep engine vandenbempt
Engine stops as above.
running water, birds. Macsat-Rd
Bang on the head as with thud below and phoenixdk
Fade in bubbling sound. MattJ99
and Electroviolence
Slap ihitokage
and DWSD
Everyone hits the deck JakLocke
 and zaneclampett
Sword Fight. Sword fight sounds
iLife effects used for helicopter.