The Good Glow with Rebecca Horan

Season 6, Episode 9,   Jul 12, 2020, 01:00 AM

Episode image
On this episode, my friend Rebecca Horan speaks to me about her ectopic pregnancy and multiple miscarriages. A lot of my listeners have asked me to cover this topic as it affects so many women so I'm very grateful to Rebecca for sharing her story with me. We first met in our 20s, at such an exciting time in our lives. We were both engaged, worked really hard but oh how we laughed together. She has such a brilliant personality and I think that's what makes this podcast so special, she's the same Bex I've always known and she still makes me laugh so much. We laughed and cried while recording this episode together. I'm in complete awe of her strength and how she is able to articulate what she's been through. We've both been through the mill over the last couple of years but we are stronger today. Scarred definitely, but stronger... and full of hope for our futures. And that's what keeps us going. 

Thanks as always to my sponsor Sally Hansen UK whose support helps me have these really important conversations.