PrintHustlers Conf 2020 Sneak Peek | Lon Winters on Taking Your Workflow to the Next Level

Jun 18, 2020, 11:00 AM

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Graphic Elephants’ Lon Winters spoke with us about pushing your print shop’s workflow to the next level. He will share a further look at how your culture and workflow combine to impact your bottom-line on July 23rd at PrintHustlers Conf 2020.
Lon told us the success of a screen printing business relies on thousands of variables. He said that “[t]here is a magic balance of controlling the variables and still being creative that is critically important. I will go into more detail during PrintHustlers Conf [...] But ultimately, the key is beginning to start to wrap your head around the right variables.”
One of these variables? The culture of your company. Through years of experience, Lon has found a crucial fact about the culture in any business: “We can’t teach culture. The only thing we can do is identify it.”
The difference between day-to-day positive or negative energy in the print shop can completely transform the business.
“Usually, that attitude comes from the top down. When there are internal things that a business owner has to look in the mirror about, that [crisis] is when you’re in a position to reevaluate,” Lon shared.
During unsettling times, it’s easy to have disappointing and upsetting conversations. But according to Lon, it is also the perfect time to recognize flaws in your workflow – and strive to become a better business.
“It’s key to create a sense of ownership. We really push on that constantly. If you take pride in your own work space, it will reflect on how the rest of the operations set up,” Lon added.
Join us on July 23rd to hear more about the variables that Lon Winter believes will set you up for success.
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