How to Save Money on Transportation Costs

Episode 90,   Jan 10, 2020, 08:00 AM

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Out of the biggest expenses we incur, transportation falls in the top 4! So if we are looking to cut spending and save we've got to look at this category! On this episode we talk about the ways we can limit our transportation costs and commute frugally.


  • Kids on 45th: An established thrift store in Seattle, now selling online! You tell them your style, sizes, + types of garments, and they handpick clothes + ship to your door! Try out a box for your kiddo!
  • Consolidating: Whittling down anything + everything to manageable tasks; want to eat veggies but hate how they taste? Consolidate it in a juice! Want to go a lot of places but don’t want to waste gas? Consolidate it in 1 trip! Consolidating, just mash it together - it’s better that way.

Notable Notes:

What the Internet has to say:

This article from Families for Financial Freedom provides 35 ways to cut expenses on transportation

What Jen + Jill have to say:

  • (1) saving when buying a car, 
    • A. Buy small or economical car
    • B. No car payment!
  • (2) saving on commuting and travel, 
    • A. Drive less
    • B. carpool
    • C. Can you telecommute a few days a week
    • D. Public transportation
    • E. one vehicle!!
  • (3)Saving on car maintenance and repairs
    • A. Regular maintenance
    • B.  Be wary of mechanics - shop around for trusted mechanic
  • (4) saving on auto insurance.
    • A. Be loyal - but negotiate
    • B. Re-shop car insurance - for negotiation or switching for better rates
    • C. Bundle
    • D. Maintain good credit
    • E. Don't pay your children’s premiums!

More from the Internet:

This article from Dough Roller gives 6 compelling arguments for why we should all pay cash for our vehicles

More from Jen + Jill:

  • Why pay cash
    • Spend less by paying cash
    • You avoid interest
    • Forces assessment of priorities
    • Paying cash can get discounts
    • Requires financial discipline
    • Helps prioritize other financial goals
  • How to pay cash
    • What can you afford?
    • Sell your current car and buy a less expensive vehicle!
    • Call bank and raise limit, can spread transaction over a few cards, consider using a credit card (if no extra charge)

BILL OF THE WEEK - Thanks Jasmine for sharing your $790 bill from jeep dealership for a repair - so glad you had the money in your emergency fund!

Lightning Round

How we get around

  • Jen - 2 vehicles; paid cash! and sometimes a motorcycle :)
  • Jill - 2 vehicles; paid cash!

Wrapping Up:

We’re doing something a little new this year with a new way to enter our monthly giveaway!

  •  Share this episode on facebook or social media, tag us in it and you'll be entered to win a $10 amazon gift card! We’ll pick 1 winner for every 5 tags at the end of the month.
  • ALSO you can still enter by leaving us a review on iTunes or Stitcher, screenshot the review and send it to We’re just adding a new way to win!