
Season 5, Episode 34,   Apr 30, 2020, 11:00 AM

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Hoooooolllly shit we are still doing this???? Remote learning. Mmm.. ..it was cute 2 months ago, but we are into our second locked -down-with-our family-menstrual cycle now. The kids are over it (those that were ever on board to begin with ), and we are FRIED. Are you a teacher? A parent with school age kids, or today’s current nightmare : BOTH (so sorry Molz). Parents, teachers, kids ...we salute your efforts but what say we wrap this thing up? See ya in September for a do-over? Cuz mama is about to say some grown up words on your next classroom zoom. And have you guys had whipped coffee yet? Cuz we are chugging it and accomplishing nothing at 90mph.