The Making of 'Hair On Fire' with Mary Salome (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 19)

Episode 396,   Apr 24, 2020, 07:15 PM

Episode image

'Hair on Fire': The Director's Commentary! Join us with Mary Salome, for a 'making of' special about our specially commissioned mini-series of podcasts: "Hair On Fire: Using the Threefold Way of Ethics, Meditation, and Wisdom to Turn Toward Climate Change".

This week on The Buddhist Centre Online and the Dharma Toolkit we are marking Earth Day - all week long! Check out our specially commissioned mini-series of podcasts: "Hair On Fire: Using the Threefold Way of Ethics, Meditation, and Wisdom to Turn Toward Climate Change".

Rounding off a week of Earth Day podcasts we're delighted to be joined by the series producer, Mary Salome, for a 'making of' special. Think of it as a kind of Director's Commentary on a fascinating year-long journey in sound.

We hear Mary's own history with the issues around climate, and how her Buddhist experience gradually began to impact the ways she herself turned towards them. And how recording and editing the words of her friends – of people whose views she sometimes disagreed with – became a deepening practice of gratitude.

Resources for this episode
Akuppa on Buddhism and Ecology

Buddhist Action Month (BAM, Get involved in June!)

Dhiramati's Collected Buddhafield Pujas

Pujas used in Triratna around the world

Carbon Conversations

A Buddhist Response to the Climate Emergency
(Ed. Gyurme Dorje, John Stanley, David R. Loy)


Check out our Dharma Toolkit space for details of all we have on offer to help you make it through the weirdness and stay inspired.

Come meditate with us any week day!


Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.

#coronavirus #Covid19 #crisis #pandemic #Buddhism #Buddhist #Buddha #Dharma #Triratna #community #sangha #Shambhala #climate #climatechange #EarthWeek #climatecrisis #poetry #environment #ecology #EarthDay