"Catalyst Sessions" w/ Bill DeYoung ; Giles Davies 4-15-20
Season 1, Episode 3502, Apr 17, 2020, 01:32 PM
Wednesday’s Catalyst Sessions began on a lighthearted note, with actor Giles Davies reciting the quasi-Shakespearean “Madlib Sonnet” created by Jobsite Theater’s friends, fans and family members, as a sort of fun, fundraising contest, in late March.
“We’re all in a very peculiar situation,” the actor said, adding that the sonnet, which was later revealed via a hilarious backyard video, represented Jobsite’s ongoing efforts to stay connected. “The more we can do reach out do things for each other when we’re all alone, I think that’s very healthy,” he added.
Davies, one of the centerpiece thespians in Jobsite’s arsenal of talent, talked about his growing-up years in colonial Hong Kong, his family’s move to the States when he was 14, and the road he took to discovering that theater – interpretation and performance of the written word – was what he was destined to do. #stpetecatalyst #jobsite #stpetefl #sunshineshere #tampabay #radio #Radiostpete