Painting Into Reality (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 14)

Episode 389,   Apr 11, 2020, 11:54 PM

Episode image

How do we meet the stresses of the times with our deepest sources of inspiration? Abhayavajra loves painting. He loves paint itself. And sees himself more like an archaeologist, revealing something urgent and crucial about the human condition by adding rather than scraping away layers. A wonderful conversation about art and beauty itself.

Abhayavajra loves painting. He loves paint itself. And sees himself more like an archaeologist, revealing something urgent and crucial about the human condition by adding rather than scraping away layers.

A totally delightful conversation about the quest to integrate and unite Dharma practice with the steady, disciplined practice of an art form. We discuss how appreciating beauty itself is like a healing force at times of stress; and how art itself can be a properly adequate response to suffering in the kind of reality we are all taking part in.

Encompassing the plasticity of paint itself; the inter-relationship between colour and form; and the presence of blossom and bare branches in a sense of beauty felt all year round. This is a magic window into how we can meet the challenges of our time by holding to our deepest sources of inspiration.

Visit Monet's water lilies (Les Nymphéas) online

Watch the last interview with Dennis Potter


Check out our Dharma Toolkit space for details of all we have on offer to help you make it through the weirdness and stay inspired.

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Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.

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