Navigating Uncertain Times While Still Moving Forward

Apr 10, 2020, 11:00 AM

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As these crazy times continue, the likelihood that we will know or be acquainted with survivors of Covid 19 gets much higher. Tamar Weinberg, the professional hustler, contracted it, survived it, and is here to chat about what it takes to move past uncertain times. 

*We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with recording.*

As these crazy times continue, the likelihood that we will know or be acquainted with survivors of Covid 19 gets much higher. Tamar Weinberg, the professional hustler, contracted it, survived it, and is here to chat about what it takes to move past uncertain times. 

Tamar has been involved in social media and online marketing since the very beginning. She has navigated all the twists and turns and even wrote a book on it. However her whole life and perspective changed after having her kids.

She fought through postpartum depression and all the damage that it causes and found a new path for her life and business. 

Her story is truly remarkable. To have gone through so much adversity while still paving her own path and finding success is certainly a tale of shifting and riding through change. Listen in as she shares her Covid-19 story and how it was just one more twist in the topsy turvy road she’s been walking. 

Show Notes:
  • [01:46] More relevant than ever, learn to navigate uncertain times without losing ground.
  • [03:04] Tamar shares how she is doing right now and why she was quarantined early.
  • [05:58] Listen as Tamar retells her experience after testing positive for Coronavirus.
  • [08:39] What kinds of symptoms did she experience? 
  • [10:56] The difference between tightness in your chest and shortness of breath.
  • [12:28] How Tamar knew she had Covid-19 before testing positive.
  • [15:06] Why she chose to keep self-quarantining and how she’s worked to keep her family safe.
  • [16:56] Tamar shares her tips for upping your learning online. 
  • [19:51] Why Reddit is a great resource when you find the right sub-Reddits.
  • [22:53] Learn more about Tamar’s current pursuits.
  • [24:25] Tamar defines the professional hustler title she has given herself as well as the skills you need to be one.
  • [27:44] How having children changed her outlook on life.  
  • [30:12] Where did her passion for personal fragrance come from? 
  • [31:42] Tamar shares her advice for being flexible and moving through change.
  • [34:55] Connect with Tamar.
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