When COVID-19 Hits Close to Home & Why Scary Movies May Help Anxiety
This is a tough episode, friends. Kathleen says goodbye to a family member suffering from COVID-19, and the women talk about how this virus is affecting families. Then, Bethany offers some light distraction in the form of scary movies. Turns out, there’s a history of people with anxiety turning to horror films to ease their symptoms. Why does this work? Bethany brings you some theories. And a TasteBud is still dating during social distancing, and is loving it!
Bethany's Sources:
“When Reality is Scary Enough, These Movies are Safe Nightmares” by Erik Piepenburg https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/02/movies/scary-movies-virus.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytimesarts