Viral Return of the Indian Bank NPA

Season 5, Episode 75,   Apr 09, 2020, 12:00 AM

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It's finally time to unveil the new season of LongShorts, and our first episode is a "work-from-home" recording! This week, we catch up with Anuj Dayal and discuss the Indian banking sector, before and after the Covid-19 crisis.

Welcome to our WFH podcast season opener where we bring Anuj Dayal, a Credit Markets commentator, and look at the new paradigm faced by Indian banks in a post Covid-19 world. Anuj brings his rich experiences from the world of structured credit and private equity and deconstructs the manifold challenges (i.e. rising NPA, depressed growth, liquidity and funding crunch) faced by Indian financial institutions and lending at-large in this hour and half long conversation. 

We talk of the ills unleashed on the Indian banking sector through bad underwriting, corporate governance lapses, and mis-selling (a fair bit on the Yes Bank crisis, essentially), analyse the implications of RBI's recent moratorium on lenders, and also briefly catch up on how Covid-19 has affected the startup ecosystem and big tech.

Anuj straightaway picks up from our last conversation with him in May 2019, where we spoke of hot private capital (in light of the then upcoming Uber IPO) and the dynamics of lending. 

For a blast from the past, you can listen to that episode here:


Anuj and we support Eko, a fintech co with a focus on remittances for migrants in their fight against Covid-19.

Eko, thanks to years of data on its large base of 17 million customers, has identified distressed migrant families who could use our generous financial support.

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*Only corporate donations accepted