Covid Emergency In India (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 10)

Episode 387,   Apr 03, 2020, 10:40 PM

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An emergency appeal from us to you, dear friends. Will you help? 300-400 million day-labourers are left without work or money after the sudden lockdown in India. You can support some amazing work happening on the ground right now, wherever you are! Witness how we can all make a difference, even when things are as tough as they are.

An emergency appeal from us to you, dear friends. Will you help?

The humanitarian crisis unfolding in India is of a scale that can seem overwhelming. It is understandable that, in the midst of our own undoubted trouble, we may wish to turn away. Perhaps we may even feel a sense of hopelessness. But when you listen to our guests from the Karuna Trust and the India Dhamma Trust, the moral force of their work is itself a bright example of the best kind of human response to suffering.

Working with 50+ NGOs on the ground in India and Nepal, the Karuna Trust has set itself the aim of raising £200,000 in 6 weeks. This money will enable local people to alleviate immediate food shortages affecting 300-400 million day-labourers left without work or money after the sudden lockdown. In this episode, we hear about amazing work going on in densely packed slums right now that you could support from wherever you are. And how your donation will bolster the longterm planning that's already happening to set up conditions for dealing with the aftermath of it all. Help Karuna's partners in India rebuild broken lives.

If you do one thing this weekend, please hear this appeal marked by proper urgency and surprising hope. Witness how we can all make a difference, even when things are as tough as they are.


Give now to the Karuna Trust and help some of the poorest people in India

Donate to the India Dhamma Trust and their work to support the highest dignity and freedom for all

Support FutureDharma: transforming lives around the world

Check out our Dharma Toolkit space for details of all we have on offer to help you make it through the weirdness and stay inspired.

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Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.

#coronavirus #Covid19 #India #Dalit #Untouchable #caste #crisis #Buddhism #Buddhist #Buddha #Dharma #Triratna #community #sangha