Ep11: Embracing Possibilities - Barry Holmes

Season 1,   Mar 30, 2020, 03:32 PM

In a time of crisis, how do we consider the possibilities beyond our immediate anxiety?

We're all looking out into the unknown right now, it’s both uncomfortable and strangely exhilarating. Leading to perhaps a clash of feelings and thoughts, certainly something I've been considering this past week. My mojo has been all over the place.

So my conversation with Barry Holmes was perfectly timed and immensely reassuring. Hopefully as much for you as it was for me.

Barry’s purpose in life is to change the way the world thinks about learning. He is all about possibilities and that’s exactly what we talked about - a great subject area for the podcast as mojo is about possibilities. The higher your mojo, the greater the possbilities in life - opportunities seem almost infinite. 
When our mojo is low, possibilities seems limited and constricted - and that’s partly due to our thinking. Understanding that we are not our thinking this is a big part of what we talk about.
And we move on to talk about loss, triathlons, health & fitness, a life free of measurement, having children later in life, and taking on the seeming impossible. Yes we go deep and wide but all under the umbrella of possibilities.
Barry's business is Zoom Creates and you can find his Linked In here

Wherever you are, stay safe, stay home and keep well.
I hope you're mojo continues to flow 
Richard x
The Mojo Podcast
Hosted by executive coach Richard Stokes
@mojorichard on the Gram

#possibilities #possibility #unknown #edge #acceptance #mojo #change #youarenotyourthinking