Just Walking the Dog - A walk with my Guide Dog Willow

Mar 28, 2020, 03:59 PM

Episode image
Like everyone else my wife Sara and I are  self isolating at home in chippenham along with my Guide Dog Willow.  As Sara has a number of underlying health conditions we are in lockdown for the next 12 weeks or so.
Once a day I have been taking Willow out for a quick spin round the block in her harness just to give her a walk and to make sure she does not forget her guiding skills!  
We have been going out at about 7am each morning when no one is around so that there is no chance of us bumping in to anyone whether they are 2 metres away or not! 
Hope you enjoy listening to this podcast of one of our early morning walks around our local area in Chippenham.
Do keep and eye out as I will be posting more podcasts in the coming weeks about life in isolation here in Chippenham.