
Mar 20, 2020, 12:00 AM

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We may all be in isolation but that doesn't mean we can't podcast! Kait Borsay, Lynsey Hooper, and Emma Saunders are here to bring you some light relief as we continue to navigate the new normal for our lives, but of course we're here with a footballing swing to all as ever!


  • TOPIC 1 - Pass Go and do not collect £200 - As football, and society, continues to go through its greatest upheaval since WWII, we take a look at some of the other times that football has undergone some big changes or a huge shift in direction (08.40)
  • TOPIC 2 - Chance card - Now in football, as in life, we all go through some time apart but the important thing is carrying on as if nothing has happened - but sometimes that’s not always possible is it? (19.00)
  • TOPIC 3 - Community Chest - Now self isolation isn’t all its cracked up to be really, but we can do things to make ourselves feel better and keep active. So how have footballers been entertaining themselves in these isolation times? (26.20)
  • AOB - Commentary, Andy Murray, and reading (32.30)

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