The Effects of Coronavirus on Screen Print Shops

Mar 17, 2020, 11:00 AM

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How will coronavirus hurt or help screen print shops? Bruce from Printavo talks to Steven Farag from Campus Ink. He prints for college campuses...and every college in the US just went remote. “It’s a gut punch,” he said, “everything was going so well and it was a very weird day in my print shop.”
Steven runs through what he’s doing to prepare for disruption in his business, his tips for how you can prepare for the rough weeks ahead, and how to really understand how much money you need to stay open.
Recorded in mid-March 2020, the coronavirus situation will surely change dramatically – and this will be a fascinating document to look back on. “There are less gatherings, there are less events, there are less things happening,” Bruce said. That’s disastrous for the screen printing industry. “T-shirts are usually for events,” Steven notes. Some veterans of the industry have said this is far worse than 2008’s financial crisis.
Rushed to release, we want to start the conversation about how the screen printing industry is going to deal with this potentially catastrophic disruption.
What effects from coronavirus are you seeing your print shop?
What is your backup plan?
What’s your “corona print shop plan”?
What help do you need, and what would you like to see in response to COVID-19?
How are you feeling about your business?