How I Saved My Screen Print Shop: Brett Bowden from Printed Threads

Mar 05, 2020, 12:00 PM

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Brett Bowden from Printed Threads saved his screen printing business. How? By focusing on putting the right people in the right seats. "I started Printed Threads when I was 28 years old and didn’t really know the basics of running a business," Brett told us. In the latest PrintHustlers Podcast, Brett recounts how hiring a VP of Operations revitalized Printed Threads.
Read the full story:
Brett's advice for screen print shops? "Stop being the firefighter and start being the visionary." By leading his team, delegating, and truly developing the vision and values of Printed Threads, Brett built a strong foundation for his team. "Without that foundation, you have nothing to grow on," Brett added.
Brett visited a prominent nationwide fast-food chain recently for a sandwich and immediately noticed something wrong. "I go in there, order my sub, and I'm, these people hate working here."
The last thing anyone wants to do is spend every day at a bad job they hate. That's a recipe for misery. But as we've often noted, screen printing isn't seen as a desirable career. So how can screen print shops be a great place to work? Build a great team.
Read more about Printed Threads and Brett’s journey:
Brett’s tips for creating an amazing screen print shop:
"Being a business owner that can relate and empathize to everyone else who works here helps. Hey, I know what it’s like to clean screens all day. I know what it’s like to print all day. I can help you. Having that empathy is crucial."
Celebrate your wins together
"I want to work and grind but when we’re done I want to celebrate together. I think what a lot of companies miss is they don’t struggle and then celebrate together. If you do everything together it creates camaraderie."
Create a company your employees are a fan of
"If they're a fan of the company, they won't just let it sink. They don't want to go work at Firehouse Subs or whatever."
Make a mission
"You should take a Saturday with key employees and be like: what are we doing? What is special about what we’re doing? Why do you want to work here? Ask the hard questions. Then write down the vision."
Get a business coach
"There are a lot of entrepreneur organizations. You might pay a few hundred dollars a month to join, but you’re getting in with a good group." Note: check out SGIA if you're looking for industry-specific help.
Practice affirmation
"I need someone here to give high fives. I need the positive vibes. I’m actually really bad at affirmation. I really struggle with. It’s part of my personality. I don’t say good job, or hey man, here’s the high five. But Seth (Printed Threads' longtime employee and marketing/content mastermind) is really good at that."
Read more on the PrintHustlers blog:
If the description is too long use this one:
Brett Bowden from Printed Threads saved his screen printing business. How? By focusing on putting the right people in the right seats. "I started Printed Threads when I was 28 years old and didn’t really know the basics of running a business," Brett told us. In the latest PrintHustlers Podcast, Brett recounts how hiring a VP of Operations revitalized Printed Threads.
Read the full story:
Brett's advice for screen print shops? "Stop being the firefighter and start being the visionary."
Brett’s tips for creating an amazing screen print shop: