The Cosmic Gondolier

Mar 01, 2020, 11:42 AM

Episode image
Venetian buskers and Giudecca canal reimagined by Mark Taylor.

"What if Venice and all its wonderful canals were lifted off the earth’s surface and became a floating metropolis in outer space? 

"In terms of the sound world they create, I’ve always found journeys on water to be discrete and utterly disconnected from their immediate surroundings, so I’ve tried to create a more cosmic, outer space version of travelling by water! 

"The first 90 seconds of the piece are 99% taken from the original field recording: 
  • The opening waves of sound are taken directly from the original field recording – snippets of water sounds were processed using granular sampling and synthesis in two instances of Reaktor 6. 

  • The outer space tinkles, clicks and beeps area combination of tiny vocal samples from the original alongside synthesis in Omnisphere. 

  • The pad sound that enters at around 50 seconds was created from the accordion playing towards the end of the field recording – sampled and processed in two instances of Omnisphere. 

"The original music was all created using Omnisphere."

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