Órale Boyle Heights ep 32: Dryland
Episode 32, Feb 24, 2020, 12:04 AM
My guests this episode are Viva Padilla, Founder/Editor in Chief of Dryland and Nikolai Garcia, Associate Editor. We talked about how Viva's love for literature and experiences in the publishing world led to the creation of Dryland, the transition from publishing online in the beginning to a physical book, and the need for independent publications in communities like South Central L.A.
Follow Dryland on Instagram at @pontelaspilaspress and on Twitter at @Drylandlitla. For more details on submitting works, visit their website www.drylandla.org
You can follow Viva on Instagram and on Twitter at @anotchka.
Follow Dryland on Instagram at @pontelaspilaspress and on Twitter at @Drylandlitla. For more details on submitting works, visit their website www.drylandla.org
You can follow Viva on Instagram and on Twitter at @anotchka.