Conversations with Oscar: Parasite

Season 3, Episode 99,   Jan 14, 2020, 06:00 AM

We're back for another year of our #ConversationswithOscar series! Oscar nominations came out yesterday, and while we're disappointed about #OscarsSoWhite again, it won't stop us from talking about the Best Picture Nominees! 
We saw #Parasite a few months ago and knew that it was going to nominated. Bong Joon Ho crafted a class warfare masterpiece filled with comedy, drama, and that edge of your seat tension. We don't throw around the word perfect easily or often, but this the closest to perfect we've seen in a long time. 

Tell us what you think! Find us @wehavethoughts3 on twitter and instagram. 

#Oscars2020 #AcademyAwards #OscarNoms