Three years to the day since Stormont collapsed - Do you want it back?

Jan 09, 2020, 11:12 AM

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Three years to the day since Stormont collapsed after Sinn Fein walked out of the executive.

As the clock ticks to find a way to restore Stormont the chances of that happening are being put at Fifty/Fifty. 

Talks will continue this morning and unless a deal is agreed by next Monday the Secretary of State Julian Smith can call a fresh Assembly election. 

The final package will have to address issues like the provision of the Irish Language, Petition of concern and  it is expected a final deal will include cash from the Treasury aimed at helping a newly reformed Executive deal 
with financial pressures.

It's been famously said in the past that politics is the art of compromise. 
Unionist or nationalist, what concessions would you give to get the institutions back?