Abortion survivors/anti-infanticide bill discussed by Sean, Dalton, and Quin Hillyer. Babies, after their born. anti-abortion? but it's a live birth, but Politico says its supposed to being GOP 'jamming it' to Dems ahead of 2020 campaign, New York, Virginia, Gosnell movie, context, Family of the Fallen, Atlantic row boat race, Fight Oar Die, one girl still going,
Abortion survivors bill/anti-infanticide discussed by Sean, Dalton, and Quin Hillyer. . Babies, after their born. A baby born alive is a baby. anti-abortion? but it's a live birth, but Politico says its supposed to being GOP 'jamming it' to Dems ahead of 2020 campaign, former "Talking-Points" journalist for the left, gets job as a straight news reporter, that's not bias, but if you're from a conservative think tank, you don't get a 'straight news job' because you're biased. why not wait til election year to do this with the bill? What is happening in other states. the context. a reaction, not out of the clear-blue. Gosnell movie. New York and Virginia. Omission vs. commission. Loss of context. 'straining at gnats.' Family of the Fallen, floral parade on Saturday, Atlantic row boat race, Fight Oar Die, one girl still going, Scaramucci, ten days, Cliff Simms,