19/11/19 Qualifications Wales: Qualified for the Future?

Dec 11, 2019, 11:49 AM

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What should qualifications for the next generation look like?

  • Auriol Miller, Director, IWA
  • Dr Rachel Bowen, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Colegau Cymru
  • Lynn Pamment, Senior Partner, PWC
  • Tracey Handley, Programme Manager, Parentkind Cymru
  • Gareth Evans, Director of Education Policy, UWTSD

A new Curriculum for Wales signals a chance to rethink future qualifications for 16-year-olds.

Independent regulator Qualifications Wales launched a consultation to look at how to complement this new curriculum by designing qualifications that go beyond demonstrating knowledge and skills. The aim is to introduce globally respected qualifications that inspire and prepare people for life, learning and work.

How might qualifications inspire ambition, creativity and curiosity? How could they help build confidence and offer a brighter future for our young people?

In this unique event, expert speakers shared their insights on the possibilities to create the right qualifications for the next generation. 
Delegates participated in workshop discussions which helped shape the debate and inform the consultation.